Murder in the Family

Murder on the Menu

One Bloody Afternoon

Roast Beef on Frogs’ Legs

Rosa's Child

Swastika over Paris

Dr Jack - Calcutta's Pavement Doctor

A Vineyard in the Dordogne

Inside The Alliance

Mord in der Familie

Meurtre en Famille

Asesinato en la Familia

Un Château en Dordogne

Rosas Tochter

La niña de Rosa
La niña de Rosa
Nacida en Alemania en 1936, Susi Bechhofer de tres años y su hermana gemela Lotte estaban entre los miles de niños evacuados en el ahora famoso Kindertransport ya que el país había caído en las garras crueles del nazismo. Adoptada por los Manns, un ministro Bautista galés sin hijos y su esposa, a su llegada a Gran Bretaña, a las dos niñas se les dio una nueva identidad en un intento de borrar todo rastro de su existencia anterior: Susi y Lotte se convirtieron en Grace y Eunice.
Sólo 50 años más tarde Susi comienza a desentrañar la verdad de su increíble pasado: erala hija de un soldado nazi y de Rosa, una niña judía soltera que murió en las cámaras de gas de Auschwitz poco después de enviar a sus hijos a salvo a Inglaterra. El descubrimiento demoledor de la verdadera identidad de Susi era sólo el comienzo de una búsqueda dolorosa, frustrante y valiente en busca de su pasado y por los miembros sobrevivientes de su familia natural. A partir de una agenda alemana Susi comenzó una larga serie de llamadas telefónicas que, increíblemente, la llevarían a su media hermana y otros parientes perdidos hace mucho tiempo.
Una infancia sombría solo añadía a Susi miseria y confusión de: Susi tuvo que llegar a un acuerdo tanto con su familia oculta y la verdad sobre su padre adoptivo. El dominante y posesivo Sr. Mann gobernaba a Susi bajo un régimen de abuso psicológico y sexual durante los años que estuvo a su cargo.
A la luz de estas revelaciones increíbles, Susi ha tenido que reevaluar su vida y dejar de lado su condición de víctima. Una historia extraordinaria, LA NIÑA DE ROSA es la tragedia, en última instancia, reconfortante cuenta de la determinación de una mujer en busca de su pasado y de ella misma.
Estación de la calle Liverpool, julio de 1939. Un niño judío de tres años de edad, acaba de llegar como un evacuado, aguarda el comienzo de una nueva vida. Su madre - Rosa Bechhofer - se ha quedado atrás en Alemania. Su padre es desconocido.
Sólo 50 años después no Grace Stocken, viviendo en Rugby, una devota cristiana y organista de la iglesia, descubre la verdad sobre su pasado: ella es la hija de Rosa, una joven judía que salvó a su hija huérfano del Holocausto. El descubrimiento de su verdadera identidad impulsa a Grace - ahora se hace llamar Susie Bachhofer, el nombre que le había dado Rosa - en su búsqueda: por el destino de su madre, por el nombre de su padre y de su familia natural. En Munich se entera de que su madre fue gaseada en Auschwitz, mientras que su padre sirvió como soldado de infantería nazi. Ella encuentra primos en Nueva York y una media hermana en Alemania de los cuales ella no sabe nada. En el curso de su misión, se enfrenta a un oscuro secreto de su pasado: el abuso sexual que sufrió cuando era niña por su padre adoptivo.
Rosas Tochter
Im Jahr 1939 kam die dreijährige Susi mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester aus Nazi-Deutschland nach England. Ein kinderloses Ehepaar nahm die beiden auf und gab sie als eigene Kinder aus. Von klein an mußte Susi den sexuellen Mißbrauch durch den Adoptivvater über sich ergehen lassen. 50 Jahre später, die Schwester ist inzwischen gestorben, erfährt Susi von ihrer jüdischen Herkunft und sie findet heraus, daß Familienmitglieder in New York und in Leipzig leben. Als schmerzhafte Aufgabe erweist sich dann die Suche nach den Spuren der Mutter.
-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine vergriffene oder nicht verfügbare Ausgabe dieses Titels.
Meurtre en Famille
Sur la belle île de Jersey, la famille Newall avait pignon sur rue. Elle jouissait d’une fortune confortable et d’une solide réputation ; Roderick, le brillant fils aîné, était lieutenant des Royal Green Jackets et son frère cadet, Mark, travaillait dans la finance. Le soir du 10 octobre 1987, Nicholas et Elizabeth Newall sortirent dîner avec leurs fils pour fêter le quarante-huitième anniversaire de la mère de famille. Ce fut la dernière fois que l’on aperçut les parents Newall vivants. Au cours de la soirée, ils furent matraqués à mort à leur domicile et leurs corps disparurent, ne laissant derrière eux que des taches de sang.
Pendant six ans, Roderick Newall nia toute responsabilité pour le meurtre - même après son arrestation spectaculaire en haute mer par une frégate de la Royal Navy, suivie par son extradition de Gibraltar pour assister à son procès à Jersey. Mais le mensonge se faisant trop lourd à porter, il finit par conduire les détectives sur l’île où il avait enterré ses parents avec l’aide de son jeune frère, Mark.
Quelles circonstances conduisirent Roderick à assassiner des parents que tout le monde disait attentionnés ? Et pourquoi Mark Newall choisit-il de faire primer sa loyauté envers son frère sur son dévouement à ses parents, se faisant ainsi le complice d’un meurtre ?
Meurtre en famille est le récit poignant et fascinant du crime le plus célèbre de l’île de Jersey. L’histoire de la traque ayant conduit à l’arrestation et aux aveux des frères Newall est servie par un suspense haletant. Jeremy Josephs a bénéficié d’une coopération sans retenue de la part de tous ceux qui furent touchés par le drame et qui connurent la famille Newall. Toutes les révélations sur cette incroyable affaire sont consignées dans ce livre palpitant.
Asesinato en la Familia
En la hermosa isla de Jersey, la acaudalada familia Newall era el arquetipo de éxito: Roderick, el hijo mayor, era un apuesto teniente del Royal Green Jackets; y su hermano menor, Mark, era un financiero. La noche del 10 de octubre de 1987, Nicholas y Elizabeth Newall salieron a cenar con sus hijos para celebrar los 48 años de ella y esa fue la última vez que se vio a los padres con vida. En algún momento durante aquella noche, fueron golpeados a muerte en su casa; posteriormente sus cuerpos fueron sustraídos, dejando sólo manchas de sangre.
Durante seis años, Roderick Newall negó toda responsabilidad por el asesinato –incluso después de su dramático arresto en altamar por una fragata de la Marina Real, seguido de la extradición de Gibraltar a Jersey para ser juzgado. Pero ya no podía seguir viviendo en la mentira, así que llevó a los detectives al pintoresco sitio en la isla donde había enterrado a sus padres con la ayuda de su hermano menor, Mark.
¿Qué llevó a Roderick a asesinar a sus, aparentemente, amorosos padres? ¿Y por qué Mark Newall estaba preparado para poner su lealtad con su hermano y no con sus padres, volviéndose así cómplice del asesinato?
ASESINATO EN LA FAMILIA es el apasionante relato del caso de homicidio más conocido y fascinante de Jersey; la cacería para encontrar y condenar a los hermanos Newall es una historia de suspenso sin igual. Jeremy Josephs contó con la cooperación exhaustiva de todas las personas cercanas al caso y a la familia Newall para escribir este fascinante libro.
Un Château en Dordogne
Telle Alliénor d’Aquitaine, reine d’Angleterre, qui ne pouvait détacher son regard de la France, Nick Ryman avait toujours nourri le rêve d’y vivre. Il s'imaginait si bien, lui, l’Anglais, propriétaire d’un château et récoltant le vin de sa vigne.
Un fantasme très commun... jusqu'au jour où, en 1973, il décide de vendre l'entreprise tout a fait prospère qu'il dirige.
Au premier coup d‘œil, il est tombé amoureux du château de la Jaubertie, près de Bergerac. Anne, sa très jolie femme, est également séduite. Et la famille Ryman s’installe en France, parfaite incarnation de la réussite sociale avec ses trois enfants, Hugh, Corinne et Camilla, qui partagent l'enthousiasme de cette nouvelle aventure.
Mais le rêve tourne au cauchemar. L'élégante demeure est une ruine, le bergerac un infâme picrate.
Alors, Nick Ryman investit lourdement : il y perd ses économies et sa femme... Amertume, trahison, rivalité et vengeance...
Une histoire vraie où tout finit bien qui commençait bien. Aujourd’hui le domaine de Jaubertie gagne des prix pour ses vins blancs et rosés, et Nick peut s’honorer d’avoir survécu à un Dallas en Dordogne.
Mord in der Familie
Auf der wunderschönen Insel Jersey war die wohlhabende Familie Newall der Inbegriff für Erfolg. Roderick, der älteste Sohn, war ein gutaussehender Royal Green Jacket Leutnant, sein jüngerer Bruder, Mark, war Bankier. In der Nacht des 10. Oktober 1987 gingen Nicholas und Elizabeth Newall mit ihren Söhnen aus, um Elizabeths 48. Geburtstag zu feiern. Es war das letzte Mal, dass die Eltern lebend gesehen wurden. Während dieses Abends wurden sie in ihrem Zuhause zu Tode geprügelt und ihre Leichname vergraben.
Sechs Jahre lang stritt Roderick Newall jegliche Verantwortung für die Morde ab – sogar noch nach seiner dramatischen Festnahme durch die Royal Navy auf hoher See und der Auslieferung aus Gibraltar, um in Jersey vor Gericht zu stehen. Aber er konnte nicht länger mit der Lüge leben und führte die Detektives zu einem schönen Ort auf Jersey, wo er seine Eltern mit der Hilfe seines jüngeren Bruders Mark begraben hatte.
Was führte Roderick dazu, seine Eltern zu ermorden? Und warum war Mark Newall darauf vorbereitet, seine Loyalität zu seinem Bruder über die zu seinen Eltern zu stellen und dadurch Mittäter zu werden?
MORD IN DER FAMILIE ist der fesselnde Bericht über Jerseys faszinierenden Mordfall: die Jagd und Verhaftung der Newall Brüder ist ein Thriller ohne Vergleich. Jeremy Josephs arbeitete für sein packendes Buch intensiv mit denjenigen zusammen, die dem Fall und der Newall Familie nahe standen.
A Vineyard in the Dordogne
It had been his dream for as long as he could recall. To live in France. To make excellent wine in a vineyard of his own. And to have as his home an elegant chateau. Was this not, Nick Ryman wondered, everyone’s secret desire?
In 1973, when he sold the multi-million pound Ryman stationery business, which together with his brother he had successfully built up into a household name, the opportunity finally came for Nick Ryman to transform fantasy into reality. Still not 40 years old, he put his smart dark-blue Ferrari on a ferry for France and immediately headed south to follow his dream.
It did not take him too long to discover and fall in love with Chateau de la Jaubertie, a beautiful 400-year old country mansion, built from soft golden sandstone and set n the heart of the lush green valley of the Dordogne. Together with his wife Anne, a professional cordon-blue cook, and their three children, Hugh, Corinne and Camilla, the Rymans embarked in search of a new life à la française. They had not anticipated the steep learning curve required to deal with the local French people and their customs; nor the passions and rifts that were to erupt within the family.
A Chateau in the Dordogne tells the compelling human story behind Nick Ryman realizing his ambition to make the finest wines both in Bergerac and beyond, thereby beating the French at their own game. But it is a tale of troubles as well of triumphs.
Members of the Ryman family and close associates recall their experiences for Jeremy Josephs, and in their own words they describe how the pursuit of the dream changed their lives. He reveals an English family in France sometimes in harmony and pulling together, other times torn apart by rivalry and torment.
Dr Jack - Calcutta's Pavement Doctor
In the backstreets of Calcutta, shielded from the scorching sun by a tattered tarpaulin, mothers clutching semi-conscious, emaciated babies, and adult and children with missing or gangrenous limbs or suffering tuberculosis or leprosy, queue in their hundreds to see Dr. Jack Preger.
On a stretch of pavement measuring two meters by thirty he runs a unique clinic. His patients are destitutes and dispossessed, those who live and die on the streets. The clinic has survived for over a decade, in spite of official disapproval, and will be ministering to its 20,000th family.
Born and brought up in an orthodox Jewish family near Manchester, as a young adult Preger converted to Catholicism. In 1972 he qualified as a doctor and immediately left to set up a clinic in Bangladesh. Seven years later he was expelled after exposing a government-masterminded racket involving the illegal export of babies for adoption. Undeterred, he set off again the following year to begin his now legendary work in Calcutta.
Preger is a man of paradox. To the West Bengali authorities, he is an embarrassment and a nuisance, continually campaigning against official corruption, permanently awaiting trial for practising without a licence, and vowing to fight the threatened closure of his clinic and resist deportation even at the risk of imprisonment. To the people of Calcutta, whose desperate suffering he struggles tirelessly to alleviate, he is a "living saint".
A self-confessed manic depressive, Preger relies on his work to sustain him. His two broken marriages - and two deserted children - bespeak a turbulent personal life in which he finds difficult to reconcile with his reputation as a paragon of virtue. "I am certainly no saint - nor have I ever been... A lot of the things that people imagine about someone like myself are just projected fantasies. The fact is that I happen to work with poor people. To me it’s the most natural thing in the world".
Swastika over Paris
On Georg Haddad Street in the Syrian capital Damascus lives an old man named Aloïs Brunner. He is the last major Nazi war criminal still at large. His crimes are on a par with those of Adolf Eichmann. He is responsible for the murder of 128,500 people, most of them French Jews, many of them children.
Through the parallel stories of Armand Kohn, a rich Parisian Jew who naively refused to accept the inevitable, and Paulette Szlifke, a courageous, teenage reistance fighter who was ultimately betrayed for her Jewishness, the reader learns how the Nazis - aided by many French men and women, some enthusiastically, some unwittingly - attempted genocide.
Roast Beef on Frogs’ Legs
A word or two with the world’s greatest mime, Marcel Marceau? A chat with Brigitte Bardot? Insights from France’s top business leaders – or from British ex-patriots beating the French at their own wine-making or gastronomic games?
In a series of highly-entertaining and stylish photo-essays, Jeremy Josephs has compiled a package of over sixty features relating to virtually every aspect of life in France, based on his twenty years of living and working there. From the crazed adventures of a real-life Spiderman to the amazing vision which led to the construction of the Postman’s Palace in the department of the Drôme, ROAST BEEF ON FROGS’ LEGS is guaranteed to entertain and inform, leaving you with a taste for more.
Inside The Alliance
There are many examples in the history of British politics of inter-party cooperation or pacts but nothing quite like the Liberal/Social Democratic Alliance. The Alliance sought to change the political landscape itself by replacing the two-party system and the ‘single member - simple majority’ electoral method, with a system of proportional representation.
The Alliance duly declared war on the old parties and threatened to end their unchallenged dominance for ever more. Not surprisingly, the Labour and Conservative Parties retaliated with vigour.
What kind of alliance was this? A marriage of expediency or principle? Jeremy Josephs was assistant to David Steel from the inception of the Alliance in 1981. In this books he gives a spirited account of the its formation and development from the Liberal point of view.
Murder in the Family
On the beautiful island of Jersey, the wealthy Newall family were the epitome of success; Roderick, the eldest son, was a handsome Royal Green Jackets lieutenant, his younger brother, Mark, was a financier. On the night of 10 October 1987 Nicholas and Elizabeth Newall went out to dinner with their sons to celebrate her 48th birthday. It was the last time that the parents were seen alive. Sometime during that evening, they were bludgeoned to death at their home, their bodies removed, leaving only bloodstains behind.
For six years Roderick Newall denied all responsibility for the murder - even after his dramatic arrest on the high seas by a Royal Navy frigate, followed by extradition from Gibraltar to stand trial on Jersey. But he could no longer live an lie, and took detectives to a beauty spot on the island where he had buried his parents with the help of his younger brother, Mark.
What drove Roderick to murder his apparently loving parents? And why should Mark Newall have been prepared to put his loyalty to his brother above that to his parents, thus becoming an accomplice to murder?
MURDER IN THE FAMILY is the gripping account of Jersey's most notorious and fascinating murder case: the hunt to track down and convict the Newall brothers is a thriller without parallel. Jeremy Josephs has had extensive co-operation from those close to the case and the Newall family in writing this enthralling book.
One Bloody Afternoon
Nothing has ever happened like Hungerford. The years do not lessen the shock the nation felt at the news of Michael Ryan’s massacre of innocent people on the streets of this picture-postcard town.
What, on Wednesday 19th August 1987, made this loner put on paramilitary kit, arm himself with a Beretta pistol, an M1 carbine and a high-velocity Kalashnikov rifle, and drive the beautiful Savernake Forest to find his first victim? Here he shot dead an ebullient, attractive mother of two young children, as they picnicked in the sunshine. Why did sixteen men and women, including Ryan’s own mother, have to die on that stiflingly hot summer’s day?
We follow Ryan on his journey of motiveless killings as he drives from Savernake Forest to his local filling station, where he tries to shoot the cashier, then on to his Hungerford home, which he burns to a shell. Now on foot and armed, he kills several people in his own road, rampages across a recreation ground where children are playing on swings and slides, and swimmers are in the pool. As the panic grows, he is back on the streets shooting randomly at drivers of passing cars and anyone else unfortunate enough to be there. Finally, he holes up in a nearby school, concerned only whether his mother and his beloved black Labrador dog have survived his shots, before he puts a bullet through his own head with a handgun.
Jeremy Josephs unfolds the harrowing story through first-hand testimony and personal interviews. Ryan’s family, neighbours, teachers, fellow workers and members of his rifle club, all contribute to the portrait of a man, spoiled by his mother, obsessed by knives and firearms, and living in an elaborately constructed fantasy world. Victims’ loved ones relate their tragic stories and how they cope with the trauma today. Local policemen and the Tactical Firearms Team on duty that day describe the steps they took to take control, not least Sergeant Paul Brightwell, the man who for one hour tried to talk Ryan into giving himself up.
ONE BLOODY AFTERNOON - The Hungerord Massacre is the first book on Michael Ryan and is unlikely to be displaced as the definitive account of the day man a went berserk in a quiet English town.
Rosa's Child
"the incredible story…Her remarkable quest for her family has brought joy and heartache in equal measure."
"The Holocaust remains a seemingly inexhaustible well of human drama. Just when you think there cannot be a story that has not been told, along comes another to move and amaze."
"ROSA’S CHILD is one of the last, dreadful twists of Holocaust inheritance.. Hers is a remarkable story."
"Remarkable true stories always make for fascinating reading and ROSA’S CHILD by Jeremy Josephs is no exception."
Born in Germany in 1936, three year old Susi Bechhofer and her twin sister Lotte were among thousands of children evacuated on the now famous Kindertransport as the country fell into the cruel grip of Nazism. Adopted by the Manns, a childless Welsh Baptist minister and his wife on their arrival in Britain, the two girls were given a new identity in an attempt to erase all traces of their previous existence: Susi and Lotte became Grace and Eunice.
Only 50 years later did Susi begin to unravel the truth of her incredible past: she was the child of a Nazi solder and of Rosa, an unmarried Jewish girl who died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz shortly after sending her children to safety in England. The shattering discovery of Susi’s real identity was only the beginning of a painful, frustrating and courageous quest in search of her past and for the surviving members of her natural family. Starting with a German phone book, Susi began a long series of telephone calls that would, incredibly, lead her to her half-sister and other long-lost relatives.
A bleak childhood only added to Susi’s misery and confusion: Susi had to come to terms with both her hidden family and the truth about her adoptive father. The domineering and possessive Mr. Mann governed Susi with a regime of psychological and sexual abuse during her years in his care.
In the light of these incredible revelations, Susi has had to reappraise her life and to shed her status as a victim. A remarkable story, ROSA’S CHILD is the tragic, yet ultimately uplifting account of one woman’s determined journey in search of her past and herself.